Frequencies of peace

3 Bronze Cannes Lions

1 Grand Prix Dubai Lynx | 1 Gold Dubai Lynx | 1 Bronze Dubai Lynx

For more than 10 years children in Syria have been going to bed to the sound of war – often heard on the radio around bedtime in war news coverage and even propaganda. Instead of a traditional awareness message, Babyshop, decided to play a specially created Arabic lullaby on Syria’s two largest radio stations, and speakers in refugee camps, at 8pm. every night, to replace the sounds of war at bedtime with a lullaby of peace. To help children get the sleep they deserve Babyshop collaborated with Syrian singer songwriter Ghaliaa Shaker to create this unique Arabic lullaby. She worked with a team of neuroscientist and music therapists at every stage of the composition to ensure its effectiveness in calming the nerves of children. The lullaby was created as a tool to be used by families for as long as they need it, to bring peace and comfort into their nights.